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February 12, 2007


Wow, this is going to be interesting. But it sure is a lot of work!

Am looking forward to the rest of your study as sounds interesting. One of the first observations I made when I first entered the blogosphere was that if I were a graduate student in communications, I would be doing my Masters thesis, or doctoral research on blogging. My bias now would be to research Elderblogging. That can be your next study when you go for your doctorate! ;-)

I'm looking forward to your analysis of this data!

Hello MotherPie, this is interesting stuff, I look forward to reading more! But what brings you to conclude that women only started blogging comparatively recently? A good many of the earliest bloggers were women, including Meg Hourihan, who co-developed the Blogger tool, and Rebecca Blood, author of 'We Got Blog: How Weblogs Are Changing Our Culture', published in 2002. Even when I started blogging (in 2002), I was reading as many women's blogs as men's.

Patroclus... From earlier studies on new media, the typical blogger was white, highly educated, male with above average incomes. I've not published those studies which list the sources, but may track back to publishing earlier projects after I get this one published in parcels...

I just wrote an article on my blog from real life experience. It is called "The Lonliest Demographic in the World." My blog is

I look forward to reading about your research.

Well done! You've earned the rest now.
Best wishes

This is fantabulous. I'm going to spread the word on it for sure!

Great study so far, I'm watching with interest. Working in Design, the vast majority of the blogs I used to read were male (plenty of female bloggers, but, the m/f ratio in our field is about 5:1), but, then I joined checked out BlogHer and found other bloggers who had some of the same interests as myself.

Keep up the great work (after a respectable rest, of course). ;)

Congrats on getting your data ready to publish, of course marketers will be most interested in the bigger piece of the "Mother Pie", I am most curious about the 27% on non-moms!

That's got to be the most creative master's thesis ever...good luck!

Sorry I missed out on participating. I'll stay tuned.

Sorry I missed out on participating. I'll stay tuned.

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