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January 05, 2008


Thanks for posting this.

Wow. Amazing story. Thanks for sharing. I'll probably mention it in my blog in the next few days.

I'm plowing through your pages -- I don't want to stop reading to take the time to comment. I had to stop here and say, what a powerful story.

Thanks for feeding me -- I love your self-portrait above.

I wrestle with my identity quite a bit -- so many hats to wear, jobs to get done, so many other people come first -- this was wonderful to think about.

Thank you for this.

I'm probably the only one who thinks this is a little... ummm... creepy. I'm not faulting the dear soldier (God rest his soul) who wrote this. I just think it's kind of maudlin. The soldier didn't want people to be sad or feel bad about his fate... but how can the reader be anything else?

Well, he had the last word and that's what he wanted to do so... at least his death wish was granted.

May he rest in peace.

Love and God bless~ Pearl

Thank you so much for posting this. I wrote about it (and you) in my blog today. This is very moving.

Man, that was the saddest thing I have ever read in my whole life. Sandi Shelton posted about this on her blog and I followed her post over here. I just can't even begin to say how deeply this affects me.

Olmsted. Not "Olmstead."

For more on Andrew, see here, here, and here.

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