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February 18, 2010


Wow!!!!! I love it!!!!!! And welcome back! I have missed you!!!!!

I was so excited to see Motherpie popped up at the top of blogroll as recently updated! Hope we get to hear about this art that is occupying your hands and eyes.

I almost fell off the bed when I saw a post up from you!!!

Cool photo.

Mother Pie! You are on my bloggerish rolle, and here you are. I love poultry.

Beautiful picture. Hope all is well!

So good to hear from you again, even if only briefly. Hope all is happy and wonderful in your world.

Wonderful surprise: saw you in blog stats. Now we have moved west,though northwest, too. Looking forward to where your life is now. Welcome back...

Good to see you are still online, Motherpie!

I hope you keep posting!

Wait! You're back? Or, is this just a tease? :) Seriously, I've missed you. Hope all is well.

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